Friday, November 18, 2016

Foods That Will Rejuvenate and Refine Your Skin

Do you want to reduce wrinkles, clear your acne, or have beautiful glowing skin? Instead of researching high technology procedures, visit your local grocery store! There are actually many different kinds of foods that you can eat to improve your skin healthy and naturally. 

These six foods will help you improve your skin:

Red bell peppers contain a bunch of different nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin B6, dietary fiber, and carotenoids. Together, it will reduce wrinkles and increase your blood flow which will make your skin look younger!
Berries: strawberries, blueberries, and any fruit that are purple and blue all contain antioxidants that fight radical damage. These fruits will also keep your skin looking younger much longer.

Kale contains one of the best nutrients for your skin. It consists of zeaxanthin and lutein which absorb and neutralize the free radicals from UV light. Just one cup of kale will give you from 133%-144% of  your daily value of vitamin C and vitamin A!

Tomatoes are great for skin because they are also rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants such as lycopene refines your skin's natural SPF and skin health. You increase your lycopene even when your just cooking tomatoes!

Sunflower seeds are another type of food that will improve your skin because they contain tons of Vitamin E. Vitamin E protects your skin from the sun and keeps it lithe. Sunflower seeds also contain high-essential-fatty-acids which improves drier body parts including your lips and heels.

Dark chocolate is actually a great food for your skin, and who doesn't love chocolate? Dark chocolate contains cocoa flavanols, plant compounds with antioxidants. These nutrients and antioxidants will hydrate your skin and will boost circulation.

Facials are also a great way to improve health appearance of your skin. Book your facial session with Massage Envy today!

Jacksonville, Florida