Thursday, July 21, 2016

Q's You Might Have Wanted to Ask a Massage Therapist

If you've never gotten a massage before, you might feel a little anxious because you don't exactly know what to expect. Luckily, here are a few questions you might have had before or during your massage session:

What should I wear during the massage?
Comfort is the number one thing you should always feel. You should undress to the point where you feel comfortable. If you want to be completely undressed, that is completely normal. Being undressed is the easiest for the professional because straps and clothes won't get in the way, and it will make your session even better. In addition, if you do decide to be completely undressed, the massage therapist will cover you where it is suitable.

Am I able to eat before a massage?
It is recommended that you do not eat before a massage since it triggers digestion and will make you feel very full. Instead, it is recommended that you eat a meal a couple hours before the massage or eat a light snack.

What if I don't like something?
Always speak up if something the massage therapist is doing feels uncomfortable or you want them to focus on a specific spot. They want to listen to you and they want to relieve the pain you might have been previously feeling. If you want them to spend more time on a specific place, tell them that. Make the most of your massage session so you can get rid of the tense areas and feel completely relaxed.

Does it hurt?
It should not hurt. The job of a massage therapist is to make you feel relaxed. If there is too much force being put on a tense area, be sure to let them know.

Can I drink coffee after?
It is best if you avoid caffeine after a massage because it can tighten up the muscles that have been worked on. Drink coffee in the morning or drink tea/water instead.

At what time of the day should I schedule a massage?
Scheduling a massage at the perfect time is a great way to maximize your experience. Schedule a time that works for you. Some people prefer a massage in the morning because they want to relieve all the pain they are feeling and want feel relaxed before they start their day. Some people schedule a massage after work to let go of all the stress and tenseness from a long day.

Jacksonville, Florida